Welcome to my first blog post! If you haven’t read the “About” section, my name is Rana and I’m a student at the University of Ottawa studying Master in Computer Science. I’m a private person, so this blog (and website in general) will only contain information about my work and/or academic life. That being said, I’m a strong believer in the phrase “If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it”. That’s one of the main reasons I decided to start a blog. As a student and a teaching assistant, I’m constantly required to explain concepts whether it is to myself or other students. I found that if I had to write an article explaining a specific concept, I had to properly understand it.

So, what should you expect to see in this blog?

  • Posts explaining concepts I will go through while working on my thesis. This should involve topics in the area of web application penetration testing.
  • Posts explaining fundamental database concepts and probably a bit of programming in SQL. As of this writing, I am a teaching assistant for a 2nd year databases course. Therefore, there will be many posts explaining a bunch (hopefully all!) of the material I have to go through with my students.
  • Posts of topics that I find interesting and important enough to blog about. This is pretty much open ended. It depends on what I feel like researching during my free time :)

I’m aiming for at least one post a week if time permits. If you’re following my blog, I hope you find it useful! Feel free to reach out with any improvements, comments or constructive criticisms!